Every one talks about New Years resolutions...according to the dictionary on in the internet I use, resolution means: the act of resolving or determining upon an action or course of action, method, procedure, etc. What does that mean? Basically deciding your going to do something. Well many people, from my understanding, choose a new life for the new year, such as deciding they are going eat salad everyday or decide that they are only going to watch so many movies or spend more time with their family.
As I thought and thought and thought about this, I've come to resolve or decide for this new year of 2010, that my sure resolution is to have a deeper relationship with God.
By reading God's Word everyday. Pray daily and letting go of my desires in order to walk in fellowship with Him. It is very important that I do this in order to have a relationship with God.
My friends, I am far from perfect, I struggle as a single Christian girl many times, but I know that my Heavenly Father cares about me and desires to have that great relationship with Him.
What about you? Comment and tell me about your resolution this year?
"Pray daily and letting go of my desires to walk in fellowship with Him."
ReplyDeleteDesires to fellowship with God are out? Sorry. ^_^
It's funny how much backlash there is against new years resolutions but my resolution is still not to make one. Ah, I just broke that resolution. Nevermind me.
I actually have a similar resolution this year...but first, let me tell you that last year my resolution was to choose a healthy lifestyle for myself! (Health issues promoted this) and so I learned all I could about good healthy balanced nutrition and...I have reaped the benefits! I realized over the last couple of weeks that I really need that same choice spiritually and then take the steps to reap those benefits as well! I have found a like-minded friend and we are going to be accountability partners - reading and memorizing the Word every day!! Continual focus on God is my goal! I am trying to think about everything I do, everyplace I go....is this where I want to be or what I want to be doing or what I want to be thinking or saying at the moment HE returns!! I am looking forward to 2010!! I hope you are too!!!