Sunday, July 18, 2010

the flight of peace

I got to Lynchburg airport alright. It was kind of raining so I wasn't too worried about the flight to Charlotte than on to Kansas City. I had a 1/2 hour in Charlotte for my layover.

For those who have never been to the airport--the planes only go to Atlanta and Charlotte.

So back to the story. I got on the plane okay. I noticed it was one of those prop planes. I hate prop planes with a passion. Believe me, I like flying....but God created me to fly on the bigger jets...

Anyway--back to the story...

Because the stewardess was trying to balance out the plane, I was the only one in the two seats, which I was happy about...I love having room on the plane. Next thing I knew, the captain got the speaker, as we all noticed it was raining hard, that we were going to sit for 20 minutes on the runway because it was storming in Charlotte too. Finally, after twenty minutes, we flew off. The whole was shaky. Everywhere the captain flew, we hit turbulence. Next thing we knew, the captain said, oh by the way--we are going be rerouted so it will now be an hour and half till we land because of the storms coming in.

I got sick. I was panicking. Here we were at the Lord's mercy, on a turbo prop plane, feeling every bump. I asked for peace from God, I even started asking God if He was going to take me, please do it quick.

I remembered reading a story by Patsy Clairmont, when she was on a small airplane, that she asked for a sign for a peaceful flight. Next thing she knew, God gave her a rainbow as a promise just like God did for Noah.

So I started looking outside for my rainbow. All I saw were clouds. Sigh...I started panicking again. Praying real hard as we bumped a long.

I decided to stretch my neck. I turned around and there she was.

There was a girl who looked around my age, 29, was sitting peacefully. She kind of waved at me. I waved back. She was reading her Bible. Little does she know that she was my sign from God. That holding onto His Word, like she was doing, was my peace from God that things were going to be okay.

Well we hit more bumps and I sat and started thinking about Scripture...When I am afraid...I will trust in Thee...I will love thee, O LORD, my strength. The LORD is my rock, and my fortress, and my deliverer; my God, my strength, in whom I will trust; my buckler, and the horn of my salvation, and my high tower.

In fact, we hit a bump that was so big the impact was so great that two woman's coffee and tomato juice hit the ceiling of the plane.

Praise God, we landed in Charlotte. Praise God we landed safely. I had a three minute connection from one end of Charlotte's airport to another and thank the Lord I made it on the 2nd plane but ended up flying out an hour late.My mom ended up picking me up 2 hours later. My bag came to the hotel in Kansas City at midnight.

But did it matter? No. God was in it...He did things His way again and had the great opportunity to show Himself strong again and gave me another opportunity to trust Him according to His Word.